Matthew P. Robertson's home page
Matthew P. Robertson
Office Phone number: +61 (2) 6125-3047
Email address: m.p.robertson[@]
Work address: Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University, 146 Ellery Cres, Acton ACT 2601
I am a doctoral candidate in political science at the
Australian National University, a consulting data engineer at the
Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation where I am involved in
Xinjiang-related work and database development, and an incoming postdoctoral fellow at the Social Data Science lab at the University of Mannheim, Germany. My PhD thesis explores how states exploit the bodily resources of their subjects, taking as a case
organ trafficking in the People's Republic of China. Other work I'm involved in looks at political violence, the death penalty, rule of law in China, PRC policies in Xinjiang, and metascience. These various interests have led me to become something of a digital archivist, and I now maintain a number of large collections of PRC primary source materials, including court decisions, Party documents, and media and academic works. I also maintain a large full text database of
social science papers. I primarily use computational and quantitative methods but I am also very interested in theory.
I've previously worked as a legal researcher, human rights researcher, and interpreter, translator, and primary researcher doing due diligence for financial companies. My BA (ANU) was in continental philosophy and English literature.
A list of my publications is here.
This website is was based on Hans-J. Boehm's. I find the style appropriate and it brings back my earliest memories of the internet.
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